The Power of "Word of Mouth" marketing.

You might already know that word of mouth marketing is an unpaid form of promotion that can be in either written form or oral. Usually it's from a satisfied customer that tells other people what they experienced (generally good of course) and they recommend the company, product or service to others.

Does that happen on this Lotto Magic team, you betcha.
Most recently a new group joined our team called "Mr. and Mrs C's Success Team". We got them set up in the free team URL rotator, replicated and uploaded their free mini marketing site and then sent them their official team welcome letter full of marketing ideas, social media hints & tips and even our "insiders" team specific marketing information.

The Success Team was impressed enough with our team building assistance (free of course) that they "spread the word" to others and within a very short period of time Deidra and Anita joined them in their Lotto Magic home business.

Word of mouth is important to any business, especially since there's significant value placed on word-of-mouth. In our case the ability to generate positive social "buzz" just by doing the right thing for those that interact with us as a team is of extreme importance to us and it should be important to you too.

A Nielsen global survey in 2013 found that word-of-mouth is not only the most trusted source of consumer information, but it is the most likely to be acted upon. So if you can do it better for your customers, clients or team, then just do it... then let them share what you did for them through word-of-mouth marketing and build your business, customers or team member base bigger and stronger.


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