Free Advertising and Marketing Boost - Google Adsense.

We've added an additional income stream to the free team advertising, all of it benefits YOU and your down line team directly...

You might already know about Google Adsense, you know... sign up, place a small snippet of code on your web site or blog then Google serves up ads that are related to the content on your page.

Well we've been running Lotto Magic related video's for the team for a while now, plus this blog itself is an added component to the overall team marketing and training (social media) plan. However neither has contained Google ads until just recently. Our thought was that there is a ton of visibility to the team video's whether linked or embedded, plus we have social media related infographics and posts here at the blog, all of which IS content which CAN be monetized. What does that mean to you and your team? It means that the profits from these Google ads are rolled into additional free Lotto Magic advertising for you and your Lotto Magic team.

What started out as a simple Google ads test has now become something that will be with the Lotto Magic Team for years to come, helping you and your team grow, yea, free team generated targeted visitors. A while back we decided to add "social media marketing" to this blog to help current team members and it turns out that are thousands of other people finding us on the search engines and through word of mouth, so it's good for them (information) and it's good for you too.

So what are the team income results from the Google ads to date? First, I know, I know it's not thousands but it doesn't need to be, it just needs to be additional funds for even more free team ads (likely at Facebook). At this early stage we are averaging only $17 a day (approx. $510 per month) between YouTube and this blog. Not a huge amount by any means, but again it adds to the current team monthly advertising budget so it's still good news regardless.

An update on this team project will follow later as an add-on to this post, we're expanding the team Twitter account so this will increase the team's blog visibility at the same time!

ROI for Social Media Marketing for Business

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Social Networks: Help or Hinder YOU Getting a Job?

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Who Are US Entrepreneurs?

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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10 Superpowers of the Greatest Social Media Marketer!

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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A Brief History of YouTube

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Facebook by the Numbers, an Overview.

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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How to Optimize Your Video's for the Search Engines

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Social Media Statistics - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Pinterest

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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How to Secure Your Facebook Account and Protect Yourself!

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Pinterest for the Small Business

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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-> Super Duper size this and view at our team Pinterest page! 


The Reddit Marketing Field Guide

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Lotto Magic Free Team Advertising - Is YOUR Upline Really Helping You?

We've been team building since 2005 which is a very long time to be focused on one MLM company especially these days where we've seen network marketing companies launch as fast as others have closed their doors. At the same time we've seen other Lotto Magic teams come and go over the years, many because the upline was focused solely on building "wide" on their first level. Along the way they forgot that "building deep" below others on the team is one of the most important (and proven) strategies for the long term success of the team as a whole.

Yea, you won't earn as much when members join below the first level but then you have to decide... do I want to earn $120 for that member (Mega Captain) for a couple months? Or would I prefer to earn $8 from that member for many years. And that is the long term formula for success, help those on your team grow their team so they earn an income, period.

At the same time and in order to be a complete success with any type of team building it takes thousands of dollars in advertising and focused marketing to get noticed in the vast ocean called the Internet. That's what we've been doing for the team since 2005... rolling team commissions back into team advertising, we just couldn't afford spending all this money for the team otherwise, not so sure anyone could for any length of time.

So, we don't just say we're advertising, we show you where we're advertising Lotto Magic whether as banners on actual web sites and blogs, or through social networks such as Facebook. And we show you what our marketing and SEO efforts have resulted in. Blind faith is fine, however we don't believe you should be put in that position, it's our responsibility to prove to you that we are advertising for you just as we say we are.

Regardless of the program you're in and it doesn't matter whether it's an affiliate program, network marketing or MLM program... if your upline says "join me, we advertise for you free" then it's in your best interest to ask them... "Where is it exactly that you advertise?". If they cannot show you, then they aren't.

For our team you do not need to ask, just click, go and see for yourself. Click the screenshot above for more on what we do for you and your team - free.

Facebook Tips & Tricks. Keyboard shortcuts for Mac OS X and for Windows!

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Desktop versus Mobile - Global Statistics

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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What I like about Lotto Magic - Big Apple Lotto Club

What I like about joining this particular team is that they completely dominate the Internet for many of the most important and key Lotto Magic related search terms.

For me it started when I received a Lotto Magic postcard in the mail, we're talking from the mailman here. I got curious and went to Google search which then took me to YouTube which took me to the different team sites, wow, this team was absolutely everywhere.

Finally I went to Google images and saw that they dominate there too and after some more research I saw the advertisement they place for the team, the marketing they do, the social sites and eventually I ended up at the online team newspaper.

If this was the route I ended up on I also knew there would be thousands of others doing just what I did, you know receive a postcard through the mail from really anyone in Lotto Magic, go online and research and end up somehow and someway at one of the team sites to join, I think that's powerful marketing and I joined.

Big Apple Lotto Club

Generation Y and Facebook - A New Study

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Infographics - The Rise of a Revolutionary Marketing Tool

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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What I like about Lotto Magic - Toddy Boy Lottery Consulting

I have always been interested in the Lottery, especially the Powerball which I've played for years. When I found the Lotto Magic team it didn't take me too long to realize they're about team building.

What caught my eye and what I personally like the best of everything is the fact that they are about building deep in the team for the benefit of the team, me included. I discovered that before I ever joined, clicked on a join link and knew that I had to join a team member that joined the team earlier, so I knew others would have to join me too, I liked that part the best.

I don't mind marketing at all and I do, but a little extra help from my up line team (rare these days) is a welcome thing for me "and" for those that have already joined me on my team. They are also in the free team URL rotator so they receive free visitors and sign-ups. Another thing I like about this system and team is that I know they are advertising for the team which is completely free to us, and I can go the team site and see exactly what they're doing for us so I like that they don't just say they're advertising and marketing for the benefit of the entire team, I can see it happening with my own eyes!

Toddy Boy Lottery Consulting

Social Media for Business - Facts & Statistics

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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10 Commandments of Pinterest

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New Team Ad - Earn a Fulltime Income From Home

We've designed a new series of large ads for this months team build projects. These focus on the "Home Business" market which is important because there are thousands of people looking for a real (not a scammy fast cash money moving) way to earn some extra income form home, usually part time as they continue to work at their regular jobs.

Somewhere, someplace and somehow we fully expect people will see many of "your" team adds, want more information and then visit your site to join you.

Other team advertising resources:

More updates about team advertising soon!

Social Media Influencers vs. Brand Advocates

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Google+ for your Home Business - Yea YOU need it.

Have you joined Google+ yet? Then you're missing out on one of the fastest growing social networking sites!

There's Facebook for branding and Twitter for short blasts of information to your followers (and anyone else that happens along), but what about building long term relationships and the sharing of related content and information with overlapping and endless circles of people?

For that level of viralness we highly recommend Google+.

Think about who is running many of the Internets powerful and popular platforms, Google. Plus besides the major improvements and increased functionality of Blogspot (Blogger) they've also been working hard upgrading and improving Google+ to be easier to use, simple to add content and probably just as important it's a snap to share with others who then share, and they share. You get the picture.

Check them out, create your page, add other people to your circles (ahem, such as us), they'll add you to theirs and before you know it you won't just be posting information to a handful of people... you'll be posting to the world!

Facebook for Business. Does YOUR company need to be on Facebook?

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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What I like about Lotto Magic - Ad Network

I have been impressed with their consistent teamwork since I started running ads for Whitney & team starting back in 2007. In those days I was just an advertiser for them and over the last 6 years I've processed many thousands of dollars per year in Lotto Magic text and banner ads placed for the team.

I have worked with many publishers and have watched them come and go, they'll start their home business, place some ads then we never hear from them again and this is even after email ad deals, bonuses and discounts are offered.

So I like Lotto Magic because I've seen first hand what they do for the team and I've seen them do exactly what they say they'll do. I have never been involved in any type of MLM or home business before but knew if I was ever going to give it a try it would be with the Lotto Magic company and this team.

Plus Free Team Lotto Magic Online Marketing & Advertising

One last thing is I did feel the URL team rotating system combined with the paid team ads would be a bonus for the people that joined me. Not everyone places ads so having a URL team rotator where my team receives free visitors and sign-ups was what finally sold me on the idea.

I started thinking about it a couple years ago but didn't join until just recently and I'm glad I did.

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