Lotto Magic Social Marketing - Facebook Traffic Test

You might already know we've been doing some content testing at Facebook to get a better feel for the free marketing available there.

Recently we posted a personality test on our team Facebook page to see what would happen as far as likes, visitors and engagement compared to other "generic" team information posts. What we learned is that all those people out there saying you should make Facebook fun, entertaining and engaging - well yep, they're absolutely right.

When you have a Facebook business (not personal) account you have the ability to view how many people saw your post (circled in red below) which is great if you're logged in and scanning your timeline to get a quick feel for what's happening on your page.

So what did we do to get it rolling and what was the final outcome?

We initially searched online for a fun personality test, and also searched for related images. We then posted the personality test to our Facebook page (along with a link to the originating source, good business you know), Google+ it, tweeted it and put in our team online newspaper. It's been exactly 30 days later and here are the final statistics...

~  8024 people saw the post on Facebook.
~  23 people "liked" it which is good for future free visitors.
~  4 people shared it with their friends on their Facebook page.
~  4 total comments not counting our 6 responses.

The tough part of course is knowing in detail how many people viewed the personality test and Facebook page as a result of likes and comments, how many saw it as a result of Google+ visitors and shares, via a tweet or saw a link in the team newspaper. Because Facebook doesn't provide a stats page with detailed information about inbound traffic, we only know that at the 30 day mark... 8024 total people saw the post at an average of 267 people a day.

Intermission: Please share this interesting tidbit of a blog post:

So, our experiment proved to us that including interactive content on your Facebook page increases your overall traffic to build your home business, brand yourself or fine... boost your ego a little.

Since our team Facebook page is about team happenings, new members & free marketing it would be tough for us to focus strictly on polls, tests and fun stuff. But we did learn that including it on occasion makes for a more interesting page that's more likely to be liked, commented on and eventually spread to the masses.

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Social Media for Lead Generation

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Rebrandable team marketing PDF's

We're working on 100% free "rebrandable" team marketing PDF's for YOUR use online on your web site, blog, Facebook, twitter etc.

The software works perfectly fine on the server. You'll just need to enter your Lotto Magic ID and some other information then click rebrand, and it'll generate a custom PDF on the fly within seconds. The various PDF's are in the works to include Flyers, postcards, circular, brochures, display ads and more.

The first "test" PDF can be viewed in full page mode at the main team core site (recommended) or you can stay here and view the DocStoc embed below. This test page includes links to some of the team traffic generating sites, however the final versions (yours) will only contain your Lotto Magic and main web site, blog, social media (your choice) links.

More on this soon, look for an update via email when it's ready for you - more soon!

Lotto Magic Home Business


The Best & Worst Times to Post to Your Social Networks

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Small Business Readiness Assessment Quiz

Are you ready to take the plunge into your own home business? Do you have the skills, knowledge and personality or experience to handle it and earn a profit worth your time?

Take our short 25 question quiz, press "result" and find out whether you should get psyched to get your home business going... or whether maybe it's best if you just go play some games on Facebook then go pack your lunch for tomorrow and get ready for just another day at your - regular job.

Take the short quiz today and see if you have what it takes
Related on this blog: 

Facebook Marketing Strategies

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Online Lotto Magic team newspaper - on the blog!

We've added another interesting page to the team blog. Now you can view the most current edition of the team newspaper without leaving the blog. Hey, you don't want to leave do you?

The Lotto Magic Team News - Free Online Newspaper
 There's a page link in the navigation menu to the right... click and go!

Google's Most Expensive Keywords

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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What are the benefits of those Facebook likes?

We've all heard people say "like" my Facebook page. Go ahead and raise your hand if you're one of them and if you are it's perfectly OK (we are too). There are also companies that market and sell "likes" and Facebook itself will help you get more "likes" if you want them. It's not entirely a popularity contest though some view the "likes" on their page as a badge of approval or acceptance. It's actually much deeper then that and it has to do with increasing your brand awareness while increasing visitors to your Facebook page at the same time.

See what Facebook has to say about the value of a liker, then come back here for the rest of the story.
Ahem, so take a little break from this most intense post, click the like image above, go to our page and you know... "like" us. :-)

So likes are valuable and go far beyond a number you can be proud of on your page. Those "likers" are the ones that will spread your brand far and wide, sure, yea even while you're sleeping. Besides learning about the value of those people that are liking your page, Facebook also has a like help page so you have a better understanding of what exactly likes are, how to use them, and how they benefit you or your company.

Are we using this information for the benefit of the team, you betcha. Most recently we began our team "like" campaign there at Facebook, it's brand new and we're just testing the waters however we'll provide an update on this post once the ad runs its course and we have some juicy data for you.

For starters our current likes as of this post is 947, built up over a period of 5 months from when the team Facebook page was upgraded from personal to business (and had to be rebuilt from scratch). As a test ad the financial investment is very small (under $100) and the total ad run time is a mere 10 days, however if the "likes" prove beneficial to the team then it's just a matter of renewing the ad or creating a new ad (less then 3 minutes). OK, so here's the team ad we're running at Facebook now to include the targeted audience that we want to "like" us...

Lotto Magic team Facebook advertising and marketing - likes!
Click to visit the Lotto Magic team Facebook page
And here's where the stats will be placed after the ad has run for those 10 days: [DATA TO BE PLACED HERE LATER]

So now you know what to do and why you want to do it, and you also know what we're doing for the team. How about what you should or should not do?

Sure, yea, do this, simple and to the point

But avoid making a page like this

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Social Media Maintenance - Set-up, Strategize & Schedule

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Social Media and the Workplace

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Welcome new team member Samantha!

A warm welcome to Samantha Bookman who joins the Leslie Hotte team, working together to build their lotto pool in Lotto Magic. That's more lottery ticket numbers, more wins and more sharing!
Check out Samantha's free Lotto Magic web site today.
Click the image above to see the web site Samantha received free

Visitng us today and want to learn more?   It's easy....

Grab your FREE information about how our lotto pool can increase your chances of winning the Powerball, Mega Millions and Mega Money Lotteries. Visit Samantha today for the rest of the Lotto Magic story and while there you can also learn about the Lotto Magic home business - have fun!

What Facebook users like and why they like it

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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The Science of Social Timing

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Social Media Report Cards

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10 Ways Restaurants Use Social Media

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Social Media Strategy

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Home business caution, don't get burned.

There are many online businesses (I use the term loosely) out there that aren't designed for the long term, they're designed to "move money around" for a short period of time and make money for the creator and a few of his or her associates.

If the program claims to be amazing, says it'll provide you with fast & easy cash or you see PayPal earnings (money program creator screenshot) then the red light should be flashing in your head, it's now time to run the other way, don't walk.

Fast cash isn't about the product or you, it's just about moving money around.
Are they using the ol' PayPal "greed" screenshot. Yea, run like the wind.
There isn't all that much that's amazing these days except for maybe the colonization of Mars or travel outside the solar system. Fast cash (overnight and while you sleep) is really only possible for the person that created "the new amazing system", got their closest associates to join who then emailed it to all the leads they collected from the previous money moving programs. By the time you see it online, it's saturated and it's those at the end of the food chain that are picking up a few profit scraps here and there. The creator makes the most, followed by the friends of the creator, and the rest are left holding the empty "home business" bag.
Thinking about starting your home business? Then research the cow.
When these online "fast cash" programs fizzle out (and they all do) you can better believe there will be another amazing money program waiting in the shadows, which by the way was already designed before the first one fizzled - that's how the fast cash money moving machines work... launch, hype, move money, fizzle, new company launch and so it goes, new name, new web site, same plan.

Government intervention, nope, not possible. They go after the BIG fish making millions who are fleecing the hundreds of thousands. There just aren't enough government resources to go after all those online cash moving programs that cruise along under big brothers radar.

How do I know about these programs? Geeeez, if I could only count the number of programs that promised everyone the moon then delivered a melted moon pie, just before they closed shop. I fell for the hype so don't do the same. If they haven't been in business for 2-3 years minimum, then they're not tested for the long term (isn't that what you want, a long term home business?) and they'll very likely be gone tomorrow, maybe next week but definitely gone only to be replaced by something that's you know... even more amazing.

Same your time and money, research the company, do a whois.com domain check to see how long they've been around (last month you say?). If it's a real company with a valid product then they'll still be around this time a couple years from now, no need to rush. If you're in a real big hurry to get rid of your hard earned cash, best to just flush it down the toilet it's the same result, only much faster.

No, you don't have to get in first or join at the top these days, you just have to associate yourself with and invest your time & money into a business that's going to grow with you and not one that's destined to "pop, fizzle then dissolve" within a few months and right before your eyes.

Related: The home business quiz, are you ready?

Why is Pinterest so Addictive?

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Check out what we did at Pinterest, you can do it too


Field Guide to Social Brand Advocates

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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