Start your own home business? Do it!

If you're here at our blog it's possible you're looking to start your own home business like thousands already have (most all those Mom & Pop web sites and blogs out there). If our Lotto Magic lotto pool home business doesn't suit you then that's no biggie, there are plenty of other things you can do online to earn some extra moola.

Your home business will take some research on your part to get going.
Every home business has to start somewhere

It all starts with you and what you know, what you like and what you're passionate about. Maybe it's crafting where you physically make something cool with your talents and want to sell them offline (flea markets, consignment) or online through eBay or from your own site.

Or maybe it's an affiliate program closely tied to your current web site content where for instance you might have a "pet" related web site and can sell pet related goodies via an affiliate company, direct from the supplier, or maybe you just want the simpleness of running Google ads on your site?

Well here on my wimpy little blog there's just no way for me to cover it all but I wanted to at least get you thinking about it.. that IS the first step. Now that it's in your head (such power I wield) I recommend you take the next step which is research. Just remember with a home business you can do it part time on your schedule, without spending money on advertising and who knows... yea, it could even be your full time job "income generating" home business if you work at it.

Recommended and useful links:

~ eBay for auctions of course, Etsy for buying and selling the cool stuff you make and Google adsense to place income earning ads on your web site or blog.
~ Learn about affiliate marketing from an old (I say that respectfully of course) affiliate webmaster at Affiliate Company List. Yes, the Whitney Lotto Magic story is there too, fine, you got me. :-)
~ One of my favorite online home business resources is called Home Business Magazine
~ You probably have already been to "About" where they have a home business section to get you headed in the right direction with your new home business as far as getting started, planning, management & more.

OK, now get out there, do your research, find your home business niche and get busy. You need that new car, college funds to build and don't forget about retirement... it'll be here before you can say "Ahhh crap, I should have listened to that blogger guy all those years ago!

Related: Interactive 25 question home business assessment guide.


Social Pinterest Purchasing Power

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
| Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube | Team Newspaper |
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The Lotto Magic Pinterest Page

Creating Good Social Content

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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The Social Media Checklist

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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This weeks online team newspaper has been published

This weeks issue of the team newspaper has been published and is live! You can view it online here easy.

Also, thanks to Anita for the very nice email (below). Anita is new to the team and she's off to a great start building her Lotto Magic team!

Paper.li Fan Mail

Hi Whitney,

One of your fans from Lotto Magic Team News has sent you a message:

Hi Whitney Jacqueline, I am a new member of your team. Excited to get my team moving. Thanks for the newsletter.

Have a nice day!
The Paper.li team

Welcome to Your New Home Business - Lotto Magic.
Welcome to the team Anita!
Visit Anita today and learn about lotto pools and find out how you can start your own business from home just like her. See what Lotto Magic has to offer you, and what they've offered to thousands of other home business owners since 1996!  http://www.lottomagiconline.com/?R1951

Social - How to Get More Facebook Shares

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
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Small Business Social Media

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you



Social Media Personalities

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you



Pinterest Social Media for Business

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you



Make a Lotto Magic PDF for your team, get free exposure!

We work hard at SEO for you and your team. One of the ways we do this is through the team DocStoc account. If you're in Lotto Magic and on our team we're here for you. Let us do some cool stuff for you - free.

What do you need to do? It's actually very simple and here's the deal. Make a PDF related to Lotto Magic and be sure to include the URL to your main Lotto Magic site, your free Team Free Lotto Magic site or you can do what new Team Leader Todd did (great job Todd) and link your PDF directly to your web site, then email it to us. We'll upload it to our server, upload it to the team DocStoc account and finally we'll also get it some great visibility like what you see here or at Facebook, Twitter, Google+, you get the picture. :-)

You can use the Adobe program if you have it or you can design your own Lotto Magic "creative piece" via Microsoft Word then "save as a PDF". No fear, if your current MS program doesn't have the PDF add-on, you can grab it from the Microsoft web site free.
Lotto Magic Exclusive Lotto Pool Membership Pool

I embedded Todds flyer above for easy viewing, but you can expand it on this post or you can check it out live at DocStoc.

Yea, it's time to get busy spreading the word about this amazing company that has been in business since 1996. No fast cash, fly by night, gone tomorrow operation with Lotto Magic... so get me your PDF goods and we will get YOU the exposure you deserve!

Already in Lotto Magic and looking to build your team, build it with us today and finally experience what teamwork is really about... and that's YOU.

Have a nice night there all.

Social Platform - 30 Amazing Facebook Facts

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you



Path to Social Success

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you



Social Media Failures - Ping

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you


Lotto Magic Network - New Team Video

The newest team video is out and it's a first for the new central core site that ties all the team related Lotto Magic sites together. You can watch it here or view it and the other 40+ video's at the team YouTube channel.

Yea, I see you tapping your toes there.

More soon, and be sure to check out our newest "social media marketing" page, the link is there at the top right of the page. If you like a particular one and think we're doing a good job there then please "tweet it" and share the love, many more infographics to come.

How to use the 10 Social Networks

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you


Social Media Transparency

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you


Google+ Branding Strategies

A Lotto Magic Team Infographic, for more about our team visit:
Click to super size or mini-size - please tweet & share! thank you


New Team Video for Lotto Magic 101

A brand new team video for the Lotto Magic 101 lotto syndicate (lotto pool) informational site was uploaded to YouTube, Daily Motion, Meta Cafe and the stand alone team video site today.

It was also posted to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and finally the online team newspaper - whew!

Lotto Magic - What is a Lotto Pool?

A few other new team video's are also complete and will be uploaded to the various video hosting sites soon!

Lotto Magic Domain Name Forwarding

It's always a good marketing method to use a "custom" domain name. You can then have your domain name automatically "forward" your visitors to your free main Lotto Magic site, the free mini site provided to you by the team, or to either of your two "lead capture" pages available to you from the company.

The best part is that a custom domain name gives you the ability to better describe "what your business is about" before anyone clicks on your link, and it's also more likely to increase your click-through rates at the same time. Yea, and you do want people to click through to your site of course.

Using Domain Forwarding with Lotto Magic
Here's an example of what Joseph did... He registered the domain name www.LottoPooler.com, (very good name choice and directly related to Lotto Magic), he then forwarded the domain to his Team Free Lotto Magic site Sweet?... you betcha it is.

1. So an offline or online ad is placed using: www.lottopooler.com

2. Visitors are forwarded to and can learn about lotto pools at his free team site: www.teamfreelottomagic.com/P7079

3. Then they can learn even more at this Lotto Magic site and join his team directly via: www.lottomagiconline.com/?P7079

Nice job Joseph!


The Lotto Magic Newspaper - Grab yours free too!

I've been asked about the Lotto Magic newspaper which has only been out for a few issues now and I'll cover more about it below but first-a-roonie I have a very (very) important team announcement...

Sending out a BIG welcome to our newest Lotto Magic Mega Captain Michael Guerrero. Be sure to click his name and visit him at his Lotto Magic web site for the inside scoop on his team lotto pools or learn about the Lotto Magic home business while there!

As far as the paper it's actually a free service where the company "compiles" your chosen information sources from across the Internet whether blogs, YouTube, RSS or other places (you decide). Then they format it into a standard "newspaper" feel for easy viewing online while using your chosen template, font, style etc.

Here's the "mini me" version screenshot for some visual.

The Lotto Magic Newspaper - Make YOUR Newspaper Free at Paper.li
Finally they publish it (daily, weekly, monthly) for you automatically and also let your subscribers know when your newest issue is "live". There's a free version an also the Pro version (no ads/$9 a month) so you can take it for a test drive and then decide if you want to go Pro. There's no "trial" period and you can stay with a free account forever if you like - nice. There's also no affiliate program associated with it so we don't earn anything when you join free or go Pro.

You can design your online newspaper around family events, news as related to your city or of course about your business. It's fun and it's free so click the image above to go to our paper [to subscribe, shuh] and receive future weekly issues of the Lotto Magic Team News, or click above and get started on your very own paper!

Note: If you were looking for the latest Florida Lotto Magic "newsletters", these can be found easily in our team archive documents stored and located at Lotto Magic's Doc Stoc.

Enjoy, best of business to you, and more cool stuff soon.


Lotto Magic Team Advertising on Facebook!

First of all thanks to all current team members and also thanks to the team member's that have joined the team recently. It really is YOU that generates the team income which can then be rolled back into advertising and marketing for the direct benefit of you and your team - it is appreciated!

With team growth (and additional income) we can expand into other marketing platforms to grow your team even bigger and better but more importantly 100% free for you and your team. We have expanded the team advertising to Facebook, yea the Grandaddy of them all and it's working out great after only a week of testing, mainly because the ads can be highly targeted to those interested in lotto pools or the lottery itself.

For more on what's happening with this team marketing project you can check out the updates added to the free team ads page there at the team site - click the image below to view.

Lotto Magic Team Advertising on Facebook

Note: There was an SEO company hired last month to "tweak" the team images shown to the masses through Google images, you can read more about that further down on the free team advertising page. Then go to Google images to see what they did for us, it's nice and was well worth the investment.

Have a nice Sunday and remember to hug your children!


A Fun Powerball Poll at the Team Facebook Page

I received an email that a fun Powerball poll was posted on the team Facebook page so take a look and post your comments! When you get there look for the poll below. Bob

How often do you play the Powerball lottery?
The Powerball Players Poll


The Lotto Magic Blog is now formated for Mobile!

As of tonight this team marketing blog is formatted for mobile viewing!

If you're viewing this on your iPhone then you already know that, if you're viewing it on your computer you can check it out on your mobile. It's really no different then what you're viewing right now... only smaller of course. Also, the new team domain name of Lotto Magic Blog Dot Com is now redirecting visitors to this blog automatically.

I could put a link up above but you'd end up in a very "irritating" loop while being redirected back to this blog but sent to the main (home) page, yea that wouldn't be good huh?

Click the iPhone image for the team build info!

I saw an announcement on Twitter about the newest Mega Captain to join the team, yesterday I believe, so I'm copying & pasting it here so our good visitors to the blog can check out the company site...

Welcome Lotto Magic Mega Captain Bernard Forde. Visit him today at his Lotto Magic web site: http://www.lottomagiconline.com/?F9948 

I also heard from a little birdie that another Mega has joined the ranks today, I'll post that this weekend or see if when Whit is going to tweet it. Or we'll just both post, how about that!

Have a nice and relaxing weekend there!


Lotto Magic New Team Build - You Play!


I got the inside scoop that the Lotto Magic Team is going to announce the launch of a new team build! I can't say which company it is (yet), however I can say it's FREE to join, it's lotto pool related and once everything is in place you can expect an official team announcement here, the team Facebook page, Twitter, Google+, the team newspaper and of course at the various team web sites.

For now here's a screen shot of the blog we have there (will link to it soon).

The New Lotto Magic Team Build - Coming Soon!

Stay tuned - more to follow!



"Lotto Pays Me" Lead Capture Page

You might not realize that Lotto Magic offers you a couple "lead capture" pages to build your team. Recently team member Daryl sent an update email about one of them (below) to Whitney who then emailed me, I know, I know... what did we do before email!

So remember as a member on the team YOU have this powerful marketing platform available to you - so use it. It also includes automatic email follow-up letters that the company has already set-up for you. Here's a screen shot to refresh your memory, or you can click on the image and go to the site.

After you check it out and if you have any questions email Daryl, Whitney or I anytime.

More soon eh?


The New "What is a Lotto Pool" Team Site is Live!

Just a short note for today to let all know that the lotto pool related site I put together is "live". I actually started to upload the main files over the last 3 days but finally made it back to Blogger to post about it. Of course if you're already familiar with the 4 lotteries that are sponsored by the team you're set. If not then here are some of the site banners I created so you can check them out... The Florida Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions and Mega Money.

Florida Lottery
Florida Lottery

Powerball Lottery
Powerball Lottery

Mega Millions
Mega Millions Lottery

Mega Money
Mega Money Lottery

I hope your weekend was great, me... time for a hot shower, slip into the skivies, jump into a nice soft bed with the wife and..... Whoa, sorry, I'm sure that was far too much information. See ya later, Bob
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