Florida Lotto Magic Newsletters on DocStoc

If you're looking for the latest Lotto Magic newsletters, they're on docstoc for you (and the rest of the planet). Updates at that site will take place as the most current newsletters are released from the Florida Lotto Magic company. They're also located on the team marketing site "and" on the team update site but I won't post links here since they're located on some of the other posts at this blog.

Back to the DocStoc discussion... it's a document storage website which also makes the documents available to others through popular search engines like Google or others.

Here's a direct link: Lotto Magic Newsletters on DocStoc. Many are listed there.

But the one I like (of course) is the one about the recent Lotto Magic win of $6714.00.

Learn More!

Why all the hoopla about the Lotto Magic newsletter and why as a team are we giving them grand offline "and" online coverage? Because people are searching for it online. For your direct benefit we want to make sure they can find the newsletters (and your Lotto Magic site) easily. Our goal is not just to inform the public through the newsletters... but to help build your team too. Read on for the rest of this team marketing story...

Since 2005, we've had the backing of of professional (paid for) SEO companies, an experieinced staff always looking "outside" the box for marketing platforms designed to benefit you, and we've had plenty of money which we've rolled right back into the team to help you build your Lotto Magic team.

A short team commercial...

->  If you're not in Lotto Magic, now is the team to experience true teamwork, yea, we really do work for you.

->  If you're already in Lotto Magic then it's time you stopped trying to see what we're doing on our team and instead get a piece of our massive Lotto Magic marketing pie for yourself.

OK, we're back, on with the rest of the post...

Not sure that we've worked hard to "capture & funnel" targeted visitors for YOU?

Do your own test and decide for yourself. Go to Google, YouTube, Twitter, Docstoc, Bing, Facebook, Yahoo, Google+, Pinterest or really anywhere you choose. Search for our "Lotto Magic Team" and we are certainly there one way or another. Now the kicker, regardless of what "team site" all these visitors go to, they will eventually be routed through the team URL rotator to YOUR site to join you.

Powerful stuff? Since 2005.

YouTube Lotto Magic Video's are now linked!

Wow, that was VERY exciting team happenings today. I just linked all 38 (as of now) Florida Lotto Magic team video's there at YouTube to either the Lotto Magic Team Online site, the Florida Lotto Magic update and news site "or" are you ready for this? To the URL rotator at Team Free Lotto Magic (TFLM). The URL rotator is located within a file called "learn-more.php" on the server, that link is now on all TFLM video's. So people can now check out the video's on YouTube, click the associated link, go through the URL rotator and be sent to YOUR Lotto Magic main web site. To test it out view a TFLM video at YouTube and look below the video for a link - click on that link. BAM, you're at a team member's site. Here's the video you should see there at YouTube:

That's all for now. For more make sure you visit: Lotto Magic on Facebook and Lotto Magic on Twitter!

Have a nice night there. Spend some time with your family, tell your wife you love her and play with the kids a little. Can't be all work and no play, we only get one shot at life so make it count!


Lotto Magic Marketing and DailyMotion Video's

More video's on more video posting sites = more people watching, more people visiting and more people joining the team. Daily Motion is up to date except for a couple of brand new Lotto magic video's. I'll be using the below DailyMotion video wall widget on a Lotto Magic specific "video" site to be announced! For now, click view and enjoy!

You can also use a direct link to review Lotto Magic video's from the main channel page there at DailyMotion. I'll be tweaking some of the titles, descriptions and keywords to maintain a good capture on people searching for more information about Lotto Magic.

Oh yea, on the "mini" video screen shots below just "hover" your mouse pointer over a video screenshot and it'll play in mini-pop mode. Cool, just hope you have your glasses on is all, ha ha.

Note: Hover over the screen shots for "mini-pop" mode.

Have fun!

  Powered by Dailymotion

Lotto Magic 101

You all might know I'm working on a team site which will be designed to attract, funnel and then send to your Lotto Magic Online site - traffic based on the search term "What is a Lotto Pool". The new team site is located at: www.LottoMagic101.Net. My focus is on this particular set of key words because there are already thousands of people out there joining office pools for their favorite lottery.

Lotto Magic 101 web site screenshot!
Lotto Magic 101 - Free Team Traffic Site
A new video based on the Lotto Magic Online video (or similar) to be posted in the next few days. Not the one to be used on Team Free Lotto Magic site but it's still very informative with some "snappy" music. Visit here again soon for that one, you're going to like it promise.

Hey - If you're here and researching our team best join soon otherwise if you wait then the people that join today... will be your upline tomorrow, guaranteed! Also if you're already a member in Florida Lotto Magic you can always have your business "or" a relative join our team. Everything we do and give you as a member on our team to help build your Lotto Magic team is free so what are you waiting for?

Not sure we have the power to make you a success in Lotto Magic? Go to Google, choose your preferred Lotto Magic related search terms and see where they eventually take you. I joined for the same reason... this massive network of online ads, video's, social media, newspaper ads and more all lead back to our team "The Lotto Magic Team where new members must join current members. Don't miss the lotto pool boat!

OK, the soft sell is over. I must get back to Dreamweaver and start coding before it get's too late!

Lotto Magic Review: For those that asked for a Lotto Magic review - I've done reviews before but it's hard to remain unbiased just so you know. I've seen the reviews sites out there and even a couple of the available Lotto Magic reviews type sites and blogs but again most are more like commercials with subliminal messages then anything else and I believe most "reviews" are exactly that. I "might" give it a shot, I'm just not sure yet but I thank you for having the faith in me to recommend I do one.

OK, seriously getting back at it here,


The FIRST Team Free Lotto Magic video is back from the video producer!

This is an exciting team update post for me. The very first video for the new (and free) team marketing sites is back and it checks out just fine. It'll be one of 12-ish that will be used at the site itself or on the 17 team video posting sites to generate traffic just for this new team site. Whit just posted it to YouTube but I'm posting it here to give you a first look anyways:

I also received news that the second video will be ready tomorrow so I'll post more tomorrow or the day after. For now I'm going to remind her to tweet it. Never mind... Just got an alert that it was tweeted right after posted to youtube, oh well. Go there anyways and "follow" so you get the news faster then what I can apparently get it out from here ha ha.

More soon, stay tuned.


New Team Free Lotto Magic Logo Design

Hey all. I just received the 3rd version of the new Team Free Lotto Magic Logo back from the designer. First 2 versions didn't match the site color scheme as close as wanted but it's finally finished and is on the free team member marketing sites now.

New Lotto Magic logo is back from the designers and the color match is now right on!
The New Team Free Lotto Magic Logo!

I received word that the Big Apple Team is loading the Lotto Magic Newsletters onto Docstoc for additional team exposure, not sure yet if for the last couple of years only or how far back they actually go back but could be interesting to see how it turns out, will know more soon.

Help... If anyone has an electronic version of the new Lotto Magic color postcard, please shoot it my way or post information or a link here about its location. I have a scanned version that I can use temporarily if I have too (for a mini-team marketing project) but I prefer a clean image or even a clear PDF version would work better then what I have right now - mucho appreciated!


New Lotto Magic Video Marketing Site

Been working on some video editing while getting help with the video posting I mentioned in an earlier post about Lotto Magic marketing and team projects. I received an update yesterday that the postings to the 17 or so other video hosting sites is starting to take place with Metcafe as the first in line. You can check them out here:

Lotto Magic on Metcafe

I emailed Whitney and asked that she mention the Lotto Magic juggler so hopefully she will either tonight or sometime this weekend. He juggles from atop a 9 foot unicycle while juggling knives, torches and a chain saw. Entertaining and funny too so watch it when you can.

Also, there's a new page added to the team site that better explains the Lotto Magic membership levels, compensation plan and pay outs etc. I understand from the recent newsletter that the Mega membership levels are due out in June, so if you wanted to get involved in a Mega-Millions lottery pool you can.

A couple images from the team compensation page about the Team Captain and Power Captain positions:

Lotto Magic Team Captain Payout
Florida Lotto Magic Team Captain Membership

Lotto Magic Power Captain Payout
Florida Lotto Magic Power Captain Membership

I'd write more but I'm already past my limit on team related projects and gotta get back to it. Working on an informational site, basic Lottery Pool stuff with a link to well - you know where everything links backs to eventually so I'll leave that alone huh?

Good night,


Update on Free Lotto Magic Advertising & Ads

Glad you that wrote liked the display ads. They have been sent to the publishers, some to be in print early May as mentioned in an earlier post. There also some that will run for a year (probably mentioned that too) and still others where the publication of the ads will be spaced out so there's some overlap but more importantly constant coverage.

You can view many more of the Team's Lotto Magic related ads at the team news and update site. A new page was recently added as a single location to place these and future advertisements. Remember these are "your" ads since they drive traffic to the team marketing site and from there directly to your Lotto Magic marketing web site through the URL rotator. Here are the newest Lotto Magic display ads - enjoy!

Florida Lotto Magic 1 inch display advertisement
1 inch Lotto Magic ad, reverse

Florida Lotto Magic 2 inch display advertisement
2 inch Lotto Magic ad, cut title

Florida Lotto Magic 2 inch display ad
2 inch Lotto Magic ad, curved

Lotto Magic 2 inch display - for offline marketing
2 inch Lotto Magic ad, waved

Lotto Magic Team 3 inch - newspaper type - offline advertising
3 inch Lotto Magic ad, reverse grab

Team Free Lotto marketing newspaper print version ad
3" Lotto Magic ad, double reverse

More soon, have a wonderful night wherever in the world you are,


Mega Millions is coming to Lotto Magic

In the April 2013 Florida Lotto Magic newsletter it was announced that the multi-state Mega Millions lottery would be offered as an additional lottery ticket pool in Lotto Magic come June 1, 2013. This of course is in addition to the current Florida and Powerball lottery pools already available to club members. Here's the Lotto Magic Mega Millions newsletter announcement for easy online reading, click to read it:

Mega millions is added to the Lotto Magic lottery ticket pool
Lotto Magic Mega Millions Position
A Lotto Magic Mega Captain will have a monthly membership fee of $240 which might seem high to the average person, however a Mega Captain will be participating in all 3 lotto pools (Florida, Powerball, Mega-Millions) plus the monthly commission pay-out is 50% which is the same percentage as a Lotto Magic Team Captain or Power Captain so in the case of a Mega Captain you'll earn $120 for each personally sponsored team member. Personally sponsored is defined as them joining you through your Lotto Magic ID number. What does that mean to you as a Mega Captain? Well it comes down to you being at a "break-even" point with two (2) personally sponsored team members (2 x $120 earning per month and paying $240 per month) so with 2 people on your team your Lotto Magic membership is basically free.

The best part of course is that for every personally sponsored Mega Captain after your first 2 you'll earn $120 per month for each new member. Based on my experience with higher cost programs of the past the new $240 a month Mega Captain position will attract the heavy hitters and bigger marketers out there who can email their list of thousands of followers, have a mere 100 people join them and then they start earning an immediate $12,000 a month.

Click the link above or you can view previous Lotto Magic newsletter issues here.

Have a nice night there!


Team Lotto Magic on Twitter!

Signed off, checked email and I'm back...

I received a tweet about a lottery pool in Florida where the members had all put in $20 and they ended up winning a million dollars by matching 5 of the 6 numbers, you can check out the tweet, link or video at the Lotto Magic Twitter page

OK, really (really) getting back to work now!


New Lotto Magic Newspaper Display Ads!

The new Lotto Magic advertising display ads for the 2013 cycle are complete. These are for use strictly for offline marketing (not online) so of course they're black & white. They're expected to be in circulation the first week of May in many popular mail order, MLM and home business type newspapers, ad sheets and tabloids. Here's are a few final advertising samples:

Three inch newspaper type advertisement
3 column inch Lotto Magic display ad

Two inch Newspaper type of black & white display ad
2 column inch Lotto Magic display ad

One inch magazine display ad reverse text type
1 column inch Lotto Magic display ad

OK, that's a quick blast for today. Currently working on the voice over for the NEW Team Free Lotto Magic (TFLM) video's which will be used on the free member mini-marketing sites. You can view this major team building project at: Team Free Lotto Magic just understand that it is NOT in it's final stage. As I understand from Whitney there are 6 additional templates in the works for use by the Lotto Magic members there, privacy statement to add, "get a free page like this" intro page and then the vids I'm working on.

Thanks to Steve (you da man) for his input on the new URL rotator for TFLM, it works fine!


Lotto Magic Marketing Program Update

I just got word that the free Lotto Magic marketing program for our team is now going to include mini marketing sites for all those on the team. As I understand there will be 1 main marketing web site and then 4 or 5 other available sites. These will be 100% free for the Lotto Magic online members marketing use and will have a URL rotator "separate" from the team site one but it'll work the same. All 5 to 6 sites will be created for you so it'll just be a matter of you decided which ones you want to market online with.
Lotto Magic Team marketing mini-site screenshot
Sample Screen Shot
The domain name that was bought for this new team marketing program project is located at: www.TeamFreeLottoMagic.com however I checked it today and as of right now it's redirecting to the team site. If you're viewing this post in the future and the site is live then the link above will take you to the home page of the new mini (and did I mention free) marketing sites.

You probably know from earlier posts that I'm coordinating the production of many of the team video's so if you have any ideas email me anytime. If you recently joined the team I appreciate your patience as I get up to speed with Internet marketing and for those online members that liked the team video's created to date thanks - you can view them all at YouTube.

Sincerely, Bob

The Lotto Magic newsletters are posted online at the team news site...

I just received an email that the most current Florida Lotto Magic newsletters are now posted at the team down line news page at: Florida Lotto Magic newsletters page. I checked them out and it looks like there are some from 2012 that are not posted so I'll check to see if they're available or if they're going to be included in a future newsletter archive.

The most interesting one of course is the March 2013 newsletter where it talks about the recent Lotto Magic lottery win - sweet!

Click to read the newsletter full size online (PDF)

If you're new to the team and just so you know, you'll receive a hard copy of the newsletter each month along with your down line report, order form information if you'd like additional Lotto Magic marketing materials and your commission check (unless it's direct deposit).

More soon,

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