I know Whit has a YouTube video about the new Florida Lotto Magic news and update site (the same as mentioned in the post below) however... I could NOT locate it in the YouTube video search here at blogger(?) even though I saw it over at YouTube earlier in the week. So for now I posted a team video with the team site screen shots. I'll replace it later once I find the one that I really want to post here. Until then here you go...


In progress is a stand alone Lotto Magic Online Video Site where all the video's can be easily viewed through a "video wall". It's still got a bit of tweaking to do but you can still check out where we're at on this current team marketing project. Remember... everything we do helps you build YOUR Lotto Magic team and it's 100% FREE to you.


What is Lotto Magic?

I received an email asking me "what is Lotto Magic" so I wrote him back, explained the program then sent a link to the team site and also the newer team member information update site. All the information is at those two sites (and many other places) but the down and dirty is this... Florida Lotto Magic is a company that manages a lottery pool for the Florida and Powerball lotteries. It's similar to what people are doing now at their offices which is putting their money together then buying more lottery tickets to increase their team chances of winning.

Click above to learn more, no really it's OK.

The Lotto Magic company in Florida (the main company) has been in operation since 1996. Whitney as I understand joined the team in 2005 and I joined her a couple years ago in early 2011. Back on track here. Besides the lotto pool component there's also an income part of the program which is optional for those that want to increase their number of tickets in the pool through their team and want the opportunity to earn a monthly commission.

If you want to just play in a lotto pool in either the Florida or Powerball lottery pools you can join as a "Team Player" (Florida Lottery Only) or as a "Power Player" (both the Florida and Powerball lotteries). If you want to be involved in the optional network marketing/MLM/Home Income part of the program, then you can upgrade at any time to either a "Team Captain" (Florida Lottery Pool only), or to a "Power Captain" (again it's for both lotteries). You can also just jump right in as a Captain, it's up to you.

Whether you join as a Player or Captain really depends on what your lottery goals are... Play in a lottery pool (Player) or play in a lottery pool and earn for sharing the program with others (Captain). Either way you increase your chances of winning either or both lotteries so both are a good choice. I will say (you knew this was coming) that as Captain and because of my monthly commissions my membership in Lotto Magic for free since my monthly earnings cover my membership. The remaining commissions are my monthly profit or income for sharing it with others.

Later on I might cover the commission structure though it's also at the Lotto Magic site so I'm not so sure I want to clog this blog with that info.

An update on the Lotto Magic Video posting sites mentioned earlier... Whit said she's having the list of video posting sites added to a new video page in the works at the Florida Lotto Magic updates site (graphic above), just not sure when it'll pop there so visit there on occasion to see if it's ready or I'll post another update here as soon as I get the word.


Other video posting sites on the Internet

We've decided to "hire" a video guru to fine tune the team video's and at the same time post them to many of the more popular video posting sites. Though there are many of these video posting sites available on the web, not all of them allow for business or promotional type video's. Some are artsy, creative, warm and fuzzy while others are similar to YouTube and aren't quite so restrictive (thank you YouTube).

I'll be posting a list of some of the video sites that he's posting to so you have something more substantial then this silly paragraph of amazing knowledge that I''m sharing with you.

Note: To Karen... thanks for the info about the editing software. Now how about posting something here so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself eh? Thanks.

Lotto Magic is Now on Facebook and Twitter!

I noticed where Whit had started a Facebook Page so check it out when you can. It's a newer page but it's her jump into the big world of social media. She also mentioned a Lotto Magic twitter account so you can check that out too when you have the chance.


 I'm still working on many more of the team video's so that's my focus right now... sorry I haven't posted more often but I'll get better! You should have the link to the team YouTube account which was posted earlier or it's in your email box. Until we blog again... Bob

Newest Lotto Magic Team related video's

Here's a list of the most current Lotto Magic video's produced. As new ones are created they'll be posted on her YouTube channel as soon as possible. Besides animated logo's, site screen shots etc. there's also a few general information video's you can use for your team. Please remember that many have the team site URL so it's best to look for and then use the one's without it for your personal marketing efforts. Whit said there's more in the works so check back there every once in a while.



The new design!

I just reloaded this so for now please visit the site that started it all for us when we met our Team Leader Whitney and she got us headed in the right direction, yea finally!

Check out what she put together (apparently in 2005) -->  at the team site. We have a lot in store for those of you that joined us recently and we'll link our previous blog to this new one once the smoke clears and things have settled.

Learn how to play in the Florida and Powerball lotteries from anywhere!

We also posted a few of her video's from you tube in appreciation of her helping us along the way. If you have a questions about the new blog or what our brand new team in Lotto Magic is doing  - please email me or just leave a comment.

Thanks! Bob
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